A Wife and a Mom


Hello, friends!

I am so excited to announce that today’s Motivational Monday post is brought to you by bloggy-friend Naomi from 127Living.com! It’s always fun to connect with other bloggers and share with one another’s followers. For those of us in the world of “Christian blogging”, we welcome all opportunities to bless others and broaden our outreach. I know you will be blessed by Naomi’s words today!

Before my husband, John, and I courted, he knew my lifelong dream. When I was eight, and all my friends dreamed of being secretaries, models, and singers… I dreamt of being a wife and a mom. As I got older, and my friends had ministry dreams of being overseas missionaries, pastors, and worship leaders… I dreamt of being a wife and a mom.

God unquestionably did more than I could ask or imagine, allowing me to marry my best friend. And our six (for now!) precious kids? Oh man. Each one of them has unique gifts, big personality, and a strong will! And, quite frankly, they’re adorable!

We have all seen the articles about how to not lose your identity in being ‘just’ a wife and mom. I agree, our identity should never be consumed by our role as wife or mom. That’s because our identity should never be found apart from Jesus. However, when He gives us the tremendous honor and responsibility of being a wife and mom, it’s something that should be cherished.

Of course, there are things I enjoy doing outside my normal wife and mom responsibilities. For example, I love writing. I just self-published my first book, Don’t Waste Your Wait: Embracing the Journey of Bringing Your Child Home, and I am working with an illustrator on a children’s book that is set to release this year. I have extensive business goals for my site and blog, and am excited to work intentionally towards seeing them accomplished.

But all that is so wonderful because it’s being done in the context of my dream – with God, my husband, and our beautiful children.

Being a wife and a mom means I’m the family secretary. I make appointments, handle correspondence, and order necessary items. — I (by God’s grace!) model Godly behavior for my children. The armor of God is, by far, the most important thing I can teach my children to wear. — I am a singer. Oh, I sing all the time, and a variety of genres, too (Veggie Tales, Hillsong, Doc McStuffins… you name it!)! — We’ll make it overseas someday, but for now, I’m a missionary to our community – John and I, together, teaching our kids to do the same. — Pastor means shepherd. And while I don’t pastor a church, you better believe this shepherd girl carries a large staff and rod to guide and protect our children! — I am a professional organizer. Running two businesses out of an 1,100 sf home with eight people and two dogs has given me more practical experience than most people will ever have! — I am a chef. Perhaps not gourmet, but with allergies to dairy, poultry, oats, and gluten in our home, I must be creative!

When I embrace our family and home as the mission field God has given me, I bring glory to God and am strengthened by His joy! He, by the power of His Holy Spirit, equips me to meet the needs of my family in a way only I can. Keeping this perspective allows me to find life in the fulfillment of my dream to be a wife and mom, even in seasons that are especially challenging.

I am grateful God has written my story better than I could have ever asked or imagined!

A couple of quick notes, before I close!

To my single sisters: If you haven’t already married the love of your life, please don’t fall victim to believing you cannot begin fulfilling your purpose until you do. That’s so far from God’s perfect plan for you! He created you to seek Him first, and follow the steps He’s ordered for you. Each day you’re given is a gift from the Creator – use it wisely and embrace each season!

To the different dreamers: If your dream is not now, nor has it ever been, to be a wife and a mom – that’s okay! We are all created uniquely in His image, and He didn’t make any of us exactly alike for a reason. When we surrender control of our lives to Him, He creates something far more beautiful than any of us could ever ask or imagine. I’m grateful for my sisters in Christ whose dreams and goals differ from mine, because it’s a beautiful example of how we’re different members of the same body!

To all you weary wives and moms: If you are wondering if there’s more, there is always more Jesus. And most times, that wondering about more is a condition of our heart – a discontent caused by too much information on social media, and forgetting our identity lies in Christ alone. Our families are not a burden, they are a blessing. Being a wife and mom is hard work, but that’s because it’s the mission field we have been given to consistently show the character of Jesus!


Naomi Quick is passionate about faith, family, adoption, and training up her tribe of little people to follow hard after Jesus. She is married to her best friend, John, and homeschools their six beautiful children – two of whom have been added to their family through foster-care adoption.

After journeying through the adoption process twice, Naomi’s heart was stirred not only for the children waiting to be adopted, but for families living out their adoption adventures. Knowing firsthand the beauty and challenges of adoption, she has sought to create resources, services, and space that offer hope, authenticity, and solidarity to adoptive families.

Connect with Naomi:

Site: www.127living.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/livingout127
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/livingout127
Twitter: www.twitter.com/livingout127


Thank you so much, Naomi! 

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