What’s On Your Bucket List?

If you remember my post on New Year’s Resolutions, one of the things I really want to do this year is start checking some things off my bucket list. Now I realize this won’t be the year to see the pyramids, or even Mickey Mouse for that matter (unless Publisher’s Clearing House shows up at my door!), but there are several things I can do in 2015. I went to Pinterest to see what other people have on their bucket lists and wound up adding a few more things to my own list!  
Here are a few things I want to be able to do in the future:
This has been on my bucket list since I saw The Little Mermaid for the first time in the late 80s! Somebody, please, help me make this happen!

Don’t judge…I’ve been to Space Camp 4 times. I absolutely loved it! I wanted to be an astronaut so, so bad. Unfortunately, I don’t have the brains of a scientist or medical doctor, nor did I want to join the military to be a pilot. One way or the other, I just want to experience zero gravity.

I definitely want to do this, but Antarctica will probably be the one I never hit.  You can’t just fly there. 
You never know, though.

I have absolutely no fear of heights or jumping out of an airplane! 
(I do, however, have a fear of the airbag not opening…)
The closest I’ve come is the Rainforest Cafe. In Minneapolis, Minnesota. Doesn’t quite count.

Over halfway there!

This will be so amazing! I can’t wait!

Cause I wanna “Walk Like an Egyptian”. It’s in your head now, isn’t it?!

These have always fascinated me!
Silly, I know! But I really want to try it! 
Who has a cow? This is South Mississippi after all. Someone has to have one…!
What’s on your bucket lists? Do you have any suggestions for me to add to mine?
You can see my bucket list Pin-board here!

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