4 Tricks to Keep Running

I started running nearly a decade ago. And then I quit. It seemed like I could never master the mental tricks I need to keep running – until now.

I’ve picked up my running shoes a few times over the years for various reasons: excerise and weight loss, mental distraction, or just simply to have something to do. I never stuck with it very long and usually only ran in the fall/winter. (Because who wants to run outdoors in South Mississippi in 100 degree weather?) I never seemed to stay mentally motivated. I finally got tired of floating along through life without goals, existing without living. These days are so unprecedented!

So, I decided to run.

I began my latest running adventure three months ago. I refused to focus on weight loss (even though that’s an added benefit) or as a distraction from life. I wanted to add healthy habits and hobbies into my daily grind. I decided to shoot for the moon and train for a half marathon. I have run dozens of 5Ks and 10Ks through the years and have walk/run 12 miles before, so 13.1 miles sounded like a great place for me to start. I’m not suggesting that is where everyone should begin! It was the right goal for ME. What I do want to share is how you too can take the necessary steps to become a consistent runner. These 7 mental tricks keep me running:

1. THINK/SPEAK POSITIVELY – I can self-fulfill every stinking thinking prophecy. I love to talk down to myself for some reason. I had to get out of this habit. I started speaking kindly to myself. My lungs were more powerful, able to run closed mouth for over a mile. My legs were strong, absorbing the shock of the terrain with grace. I was even starting to get a teensy tiny tan! Ephesians 4 tells us to not let ANY unwholesome talk come out of our mouths but only what is helpful for building up. I even started quoting Scripture!

2. DISTRACT YOUR MIND – I can run infinitely farther for longer periods of time if I’m not thinking about what I’m doing. I love to listen to podcasts if I’m running outdoors. Audible books are okay, but they do not have the dialogue or laughter that I need. I also have a great running playlist. If I’m on the treadmill, my preference these days, I watch tv/movies on Prime Video on my Kindle Fire. I really like watching the older seasons of The Biggest Loser. I find them inspiring. Whatever distracts you from the task at hand, do it (safely)!

3, KNOW YOUR GOAL – Originally, I started running to have a goal of – running. After Mom died, I kinda started worrying about my health. It sounds terrible to put this in writing, but I do NOT want to turn out like her. Multiple strokes through her 30s and 40s. Dementia and in a nursing home by 50. No, thank you. I took my anxious self to my GP and got checked. I do have the genetic factors for stroke, a blood clotting disease issue. Guess what…in addition to good nutrition, I need vigorous exercise several days a week! I also want to have another child eventually and don’t want icky blood pressure issues again, so again – exercise! It turns out I have several goals now.

4. REWARD YOURSELF – But not necessarily with food. If I run X miles this week, I’ll get a mani/pedi. Or a new book. If I break a record of some kind, I get to do (fill in the blank). The possibilities are endless. You get to choose your own successes and failures. Sometimes the reward IS your health. Other times, it is simply the time to be alone without your kiddos needing you. Self-care can be a reward, but you can use whatever reward you need to encourage yourself to keep running. And then the ultimate reward could be a new wardrobe for your new fit, healthy body! Only know (and God) know what you need and what works best for you. It is okay to reward yourself for the work you’re doing!


Ultimately, I like to remind myself how lucky I am to have a strong body that can run. A husband who will watch my son and support me as I pursue my goals. A treadmill. No mental tricks are necessary to be thankful for the gift of exercise!

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