Anything Could Happen

I am a walking stereotype.
Or that’s what people say. Long blonde hair (all natural). Blue eyes. I like to dress in bright colors and sparkly accessories. Six inch heels. I even have the stereotypical blond Chihuahua. Some say “She’s hand fed with a silver spoon.” Well, I’m not. I have had a very blessed life so far. I have had many amazing opportunities. I’ve also had my share of pain. But that’s not what this post is about.
In the spirit of this Holiday Season, I did a lot of thinking. It’s been quite the year. Turning 30 a couple of years ago closed the door on my so-so 20s and opened the door to this newest chapter of life. I welcomed my 30s gratefully.
Then my family dog died. 12 hours before my 30th birthday. If you’ve ever lost a beloved pet you understand my pain. She was my little sister and best friend. At 14, she lived a good long life.
Then I lost my job (which I couldn’t stand, but hey, I have bills to pay…).
That year humbled me greatly. I have had many “pit-dwelling” days before, and I’m sure there are a few more to come. But this year started off icky. I hadn’t felt this bad about myself in a long time. I was exhausted by merely existing. I wanted to LIVE. My heart wept for the days past and the future I thought I had coming. At 30 I was wondering, “God, is this it?” Surely I had more to offer this world, didn’t I? I was left questioning “What am I going to do with this one life?”
When you hit rock bottom and are forced to look deep within yourself, you are forced to acknowledge the good and the bad. I’m a very social person. I’m not meant to be alone. But I was. That’s when I discovered the nature of humility.
It forced me to get down on my knees and pray for strength, grace and hope. And I got a good lesson in patience, too… . Little did I know God was preparing me for something BIG. I landed an amazing job that I love at Lamar. I received an offer to work in ministry with The Lighthouse Rescue Mission. I grew in my Bible study abilities. I stretched my faith so far I probably have stretch marks! God used this awful time in my life to prepare my character for the life I have now.

Instead of New Year’s Resolutions, I usually opt for a “Word of the Year” and for 2016 it was JOY. And this year has brought much joy! Here are my favorites from 2016:

Peanut James Monroe, my best friend.

Singing with the incredible Meistersingers.

Creating this website to reach more people.

Being able to work at a job I love – with my Mom.

Judson and I getting to travel together – Lake Enid, MS.

I was able to sing backup to one of my all-time favorites, Sandi Patty.

Attending school at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
P helped.

Knocking one off the Bucket List – ziplining – in Mexico.

Scotland with Judson.

Mexico with two of my best friends.
So, do all bad things happen for good reasons? Romans 8:28 says so. God works for the good in all things. I’m living proof. But it hurts so bad in the meantime doesn’t it? I know this post isn’t exactly “Motivational” and may not make much sense, but all I wanted to tell you is believe. You are worth so much to Him. Stay the course. I know how much pain you can go through waiting for God to reveal your purpose. But, you are worth the wait. Hang in there, friends. I love you all so much!
What word would you use to describe your 2016?