How to Take Control of Your Feelings

how to take control of your feelings



“Having loved those who were in the world, He loved them to no end.” John 13:1 


Some days I just feel so unloved.


I know it’s absolutely crazy to feel that way, but I just can’t seem to shake the feeling. I have an amazing family and fantastic friends. I even have a dog that loves me beyond the shadow of a doubt! And of course I have the love of the Almighty God who consistently tells me and shows his love.


So why do I still feel so blue sometimes? I have everything I’m supposed to have to be happy, so why do I still feel empty?


It’s on days like this that I have to put my faith before my feelings. I may not always feel loved by God, but I trust that his love never changes. Feelings are not the enemy in this situation but rather it is what I do with the feelings. I have to bring these feelings to God in prayer to see what I should be doing with them. Are they in alignment with God’s Word? 


Feeling unloved is one of the most painful emotions I can imagine. My heart overflows with compassion for those of you who know this from experience. But please know my friend, that I love you so much. Even those of you that I have never met personally. I love you with the love of our Heavenly Father who loves us all dearly.


The very name Jesus used to address us – Beloved – proclaims how dearly He loves us. He showed us the full extent of His love by enduring humiliation, torture, and death for your and me. No greater love than this is possible or even conceivable.


I have many memories of times when my family showed their love for me. And I have even more memories of God showing His unparalleled love for me. He wants us to dwell on these memories, enjoying them over and over again. This practice helps convince our doubting hearts that His extraordinary love is really ours. Every second of this life and throughout eternity, we can know we are loved. 







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