There is no pastime I enjoy more than reading. That may be sad to some of you, but it makes me so happy! And isn’t that what this blog is all about? Finding our happiness in everyday life. I hope you enjoy my monthly Book Club series! And leave a message in the comments about the books you are currently enjoying. I’d love to hear from you!
Some months I get to read more than others, and September was one of them! Check out my monthly picks below:
One of my favorites! Many self-help books offer a lot of new age platitudes and sappy mantras:
Just love yourself. See the glass as half full. Believe it and it will come.
Really? That’s not how it works, and you know it. A lifetime’s worth of struggle is not overturned in a small moment of positive thinking. But if you have the right attitude—attitude and skills—you can and will accomplish anything and everything you want. This book gives you both, attitude and action. By its end you will have all the tools you need to change your life.
In today’s world, it’s tough to make everyday decisions, let alone decisions that honor God. Our culture is increasingly driven by selfish desires. However, as Christians, our lives should not be self-centered and static; they should be others-centered and active, making a difference for the Kingdom of God.
Take the next step. From radical followers of Christ to radical communities of faith.
In Radical, David Platt’s plea for Christians to take back their faith from the American Dream resonated with readers everywhere, and the book quickly became a New York Times bestseller. Now in Radical Together, the author broadens his call, challenging us to unite around a gospel-centered vision.
Everyone should read this book!!!
What will heaven be like? Randy Alcorn presents a thoroughly biblical answer, based on years of careful study, presented in an engaging, reader-friendly style. His conclusions will surprise readers and stretch their thinking about this important subject. Heaven will inspire readers to long for heaven while they’re living on earth.
It’s so easy to forget what the Christian faith is all about. We struggle so much, work so hard, and fail so often that we frequently sense something in the equation of life must be missing.
Tullian Tchividjian (Billy Graham’s grandson) argues that what we are missing is the gospel—a fuller, more powerful understanding of Jesus and what his finished work means for everyday life.
I’d love to hear your suggestions for good reads!