January Book Review

Happy Thursday, friends!

It’s my first BOOK REVIEW OF 2025! It has been quite a while since I shared a book review on the blog. I read many books in 2024, but I never shared them here like I did in years past. Since I started off this year with several great reads, I decided I would bring back my monthly book review.

In January I read two historical fiction (my favorite genre), two general fiction, a memoir, and an inspirational book. 

How I Saved the World

I am a fan of Jesse Watters and his nightly Primetime show on Fox News. I appreciate his wit and wisdom when covering the news. His coverage of the 2024 election was very well delivered. In his memoir, he shares a great deal of humor and life lessons from his childhood, to his time on the O’Reilly Factor, to fronting his own show.

Goodnight from Paris 

Set in the late 1930s to early 40s, a Hollywood actress living in Paris with her French husband leaves the film industry for radio. She becomes the voice of a French radio program broadcast to the United States. As WW2 overtakes Paris, she has to flee, but she never gives up her role in the Resistance. This is a heartbreakingly good read incorporating real world events into a fictional retelling. 

The Christmas Hummingbird

I read many books around Christmas, but I never got to this one. I didn’t mind a little post-Christmas read at the beginning of the New Year, so I proceeded with this one. Other than the setting being the weeks around Christmas, there is nothing holiday-related in this story at all. A beloved businessman loses his home in the Southern California fires and is later recruited to be a local deputy helping others evacuate. He befriends an autistic child and together they begin saving the hummingbirds also being affected by the wildfires. This is a quick, light, feel good read for the winter months.

Habits for the Household

This book covers all the habits found in a healthy, Christ-focused home. Everything from work to play to marriage to spirituality is covered while helping you incorporate these rhythms and routines into your own family. It is very well-written and certainly relatable – especially if you too have a wild little boy running around!

Class Mom 

I read this book during those never-ending nighttime feeds! I kept drifting off while feeding baby Judson, so I started reading during feedings shortly after bringing him home from the hospital. This book required no thought, no emotion, no real focus. It’s a cheesy story of an older mom (my age!) who gets cornered into being a kindergarten class mom (my son’s age!) and how she navigates her dark humor and charisma around other much younger, modern parents. 

The Berlin Sisters

Tearjerker warning! But if you want a wonderful story of WW2 Germany, this is it. I have read several books by this author through the years, and each one is very well researched and eloquently written. This book shares about those who live in Germany during the rise and reign of Hitler, those who don’t necessarily support him, but don’t outright oppose the Reich either. It’s very interesting to think about the everyday Germans who weren’t a part of the war – until they had to be. 

And that’s our FIRST BOOK REVIEW of 2025!  I hope you found something today to read this next month. 

If you want to stay current on all of the books I’m reading this year, I will have a page at the top of the blog. There I will link the posts where I review books and their authors each month.

If you are interested in following me on Goodreads, you can find my page here.

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend!


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