Let’s Talk – Resolutions and Anticipation!
Welcome to a new monthly link-up called “Let’s Talk…”!
Andrea and Erika invite you to share your thoughts and ideas on the given topic of the month. Posts go live on the last Monday, and you can link up too!
Here’s what we are talking about this year:
Today we are going to talk more about our New Year’s Resolutions and things we are most looking forward to in 2016. You can see my 2016 Resolutions here.
Sometimes we share our resolutions and never think twice about them. I appreciate this opportunity to check in on myself.

I shared with you that I am using Lara Casey’s Power Sheets to stay more intentional with my goals and plans for the year. I am absolutely loving this notebook! It’s like she knows exactly where I struggle and how to tackle each goal. She’s a Godsend for sure.

I’m hoping this is the year I finally get to travel abroad. Scotland is at the top of my list. It definitely gives me something to look forward to (and save money for).
School is back in session, and I’m really looking forward to my studies this semester. When you enjoy what you do and what you’re learning, school is infinitely better! The intense environment and strict demands can be exhausting at times but I know this degree is going to be so worth it!
I’m nowhere close – I can run a 5k – but I do plan to run a half marathon again by the end of this year. I used to run all the time (for some reason I don’t look anything like a runner…) and the last half marathon I ran was in 2012. Time to hit the pavement.
He may drive me batty sometimes, but I love this little guy. The years go by so fast and I want to make every moment count. I can’t believe he’s soon to be 8!
(I adopted him two years ago.)
These are just a few things I am looking forward to this year.
Let’s talk! What’s on your 2016 agenda? Let me hear from you in the comments.
Have a great week!
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