Organization Challenge
Most people make “getting organized” part of their New Year’s Resolutions.
(You can see mine here.)
I didn’t. I’m organized for the most part. At least, I like to think that I am.
But moving has a way of making you lose all sense of organizational focus.
New cabinets/closets/random hiding places call for me to rethink how and where I store things. So, of course, I turned to Pinterest for a little inspiration to organized the new house.
Under sink storage and organization
Gift wrapping supplies

Fridge organization
Goodness knows I have a lot of jewelry!
Bracelet display
Pretty bathroom organization
I certainly don’t have this many shorts (not my look), but I like the organization idea
Bags on door
Cami/tank idea
I already do something similar with my makeup brushes, but it’s certainly not this pretty.
DIY drawer organization possibility
What are some of your favorite organization techniques? The prettier, the better! New house photos and (hopeful) organization techniques coming soon!