I’ve never been one to make too many New Year’s Resolutions. I know I have the patience of a goldfish so when things don’t happen quickly enough, I lose interest quickly. However, I do believe in the importance of setting goals and dreaming dreams. I believe God is honored when we live our dreams that he has placed in our hearts and minds.
So in honor of the New Year I am linking up with Andrea at
Momfessionals for her
Show and Tell Tuesdays!
Andrea is one of my favorite daily reads. You should totally check her out too.
Let’s get started on those resolutions DREAMS!
Dream HIS dreams.
My goals don’t amount to anything if they aren’t aligned with God’s plan for my life.
I plan to allow God to continue planting His dreams in my heart. They always turn out to be more than I could ever dream up anyway!
I will hold myself to a standard of grace rather than perfection.
I bet y’all would never guess that I’m something of a perfectionist!
By perfectionist I mean in the way of performance. I want to be at the top of my game in every way. Not necessarily in housekeeping per se, I’m neat but not a perfectionist around the house.
It’s time I allow myself a little grace!
Give more.
I’ve been so incredibly blessed and it’s important for me to share with those in need.
One of my favorite organizations is The Lighthouse Rescue Mission in Hattiesburg.
(You can learn more about The Lighthouse here.)

Travel somewhere new.
It’s time to take some new adventures and Scotland is at the top of my list!

Live on purpose.
Easier said than done, I know. I read the book Make it Happen by Lara Casey last year and it was eye opening. I highly recommend it to all of you. God has really used Lara to encourage women to get up and at em’ through her story. I’ve been very encouraged and have started making every effort to live life on purpose.
I bought the 2016 Power Sheets Notebook for this year, and I will be sharing more on it this Friday!

Find JOY in all I do.
What are your New Year’s Resolutions?
Share them in the comments!
Remember, we are a community so talk amongst yourselves!
(You can see my 2015 goals
Here’s a look ahead at Show and Tell Tuesdays for the year. Be sure to follow along!
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