What’s Up Wednesday!
We’re halfway there!
Be sure you check them out too!
1. What I’m eating…

I made this dish for Easter Sunday lunch. I’ve made it a couple of times before for Boyfriend, so I branched out and made it for Dad this time. Dad isn’t a spinach/mushroom kind of guy – he’s a down-home meat and potatoes kind of boy!, but he really enjoyed this. It’s simple, too. Bake the chicken, sautee the spinach and mushrooms in olive oil and spread it over the chicken and cover it all in parmesan and cheddar!

And I’m still hanging in there on Nutrisystem.
2. What I’m reminiscing about…
My baby turned 8.
And I’ve only had him two of those years. Geez, I love that little guy!
3. What I’m loving…

How many of you can take those pictures in your yard?
Okay, I took them in Dad’s, but it’s SPRING!!!!
4. What I’m up to…

I got the biggest laugh out of this meme for some reason!
It’s crunch time. I have papers due every other day (on death – a topic I am now an expert on…NOT!…among others) and tests, Tests, TESTS!
Gotta love grad school!
5. What I’m dreading…
See #4 above!
6. What I’m working on…
Again, see #4. Do you want to read the papers or something? Move along!
7. What I’m excited about…
Peanut and I have been running almost every single day, and yes, it is something I’m excited about. My auto-immune thyroid condition makes my metabolism all but extinct, so it’s nearly impossible for me to lose weight, but P and I are pushing through! Or I am…
He gets carried after about half a mile and dropped off while I continue on without him.
8. What I’m watching/reading…

So when I first started this book I decided it was pretty wack and was over it – but then I couldn’t put it down! It’s no literary masterpiece, nor is it great, but it’s one that you get sucked into and have to keep reading to find out what’s going to happen. Has anyone else read Miss Peregrine? I’m curious to hear your thoughts.

My friend Laura loaned me this series because I’m simply curious about it. Has anyone else read it?

I just bought this Jennifer Weiner book, and I’m looking forward to reading it!

I’ve been trying to read more classical books and others that you are just supposed to read at some point in your life. This is awful. Who suggested we should all read this?
Moving along…

I am loving Fuller House! I’m a little over halfway done. What are y’all’s thoughts so far?

Mer is coming back for a Season 13. I love me some Grey’s!

And I’m still working my way through all 9 seasons of OTH on Netflix. I have always loved this show. What should I binge watch next? I need some suggestions.
9. What I’ve been listening to…

I’ve been jamming to some 90s pop/rock while getting ready in the morning. Memories!
10. What I’m wearing…
So y’all know I’m a big fan of Sheaffer Told Me To, and purchase a lot of the things she commands recommends. I have totally fallen in love with the Lush brand from Nordstrom. She calls the shirt I’m wearing below her “Must Have” shirt and I know why. It’s the perfect length, fit, and comfort!

I have the bordeaux and the olive from the picture above.
I also really love the short sleeve version w/o the pocket. It’s a little shorter with the same fit and feel.
I have three…
Here I am in the olive…

I also have the bordeaux in this one too, and the ivory.
That’s about it for me today. I don’t have much to do this weekend except write a paper on apostolic creeds in the first century church, and I probably just lost some of you there! I hope you have a great rest of the week!
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