April Book Review

Friends, I have an awesome book review for you today! It’s very rare that I love every single book that I read in a month, but each one of these is a must read! I don’t want to waste anymore time because you need to head to Amazon or whatever bookseller or library you choose and get these!


Summer of '69 by [Elin Hilderbrand]

Summer of ’69

I’ve read many of Elin Hilderbrand’s books over the years, and it seems like her writing gets better with experience. The last handful have been wonderful stories. I absolutely love the 1960s, and this book is all 60s. It has the best of the atomic age mixed with the cruelty of Vietnam all taking place on Nantucket. It’s told from the points of view of siblings whose brother was drafted at a crucial point in the war. It’s heartbreaking, inspiring, and entertaining all in one.

Fever 1793

I had never heard of this book, but it was chosen for our book club book this month. I was so surprised! This story is told by a young girl who literally watches everyone she knows suffer through the Yellow Fever epidemic of 1793. It’s very chilling when you think of it in relation to the recent Covid pandemic. It’s a quicker read, and if you enjoy history of any kind, especially the post-Revolution era, you will love this one as well!


I can already tell you this book will be in the running for the best read of 2021. Wow! What an incredible story. This is a memoir of a Mormon/never schooled/poor hygiene/practically destitute/abused girl from Idaho who literally takes it upon herself at 17 to learn to read and go to college. Her story is incredible. I cringed, gasped, and wanted to cry a dozen times. Especially with “the shear” and the dog. Read it now!

Killing England

The history buff in me loves a good O’Reilly “Killing” book. I absolutely love the American Revolution and early colonialism, and this is one of the best, if not THE best, non-fiction history of the time. It is all inclusive from the French and Indian War on. I’m directly related to James Monroe (5th President of the USA) and a cousin of James Madison (4th President), so it was neat reading the histories and bravery of my relatives. You should seriously google President Monroe and look at him. He definitely resembles my dad!


What did you read this month? Is there anything you would recommend. Add to my TBR list!

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