August Goals!
I cannot believe it is already August!
I’m not complaining because that means I’m that much closer to fall and cool weather. I saw this on Instagram this morning…
Isn’t that the truth?!
Before we talk about my August goals, let’s take a look back at July’s.
1. Find a good illuminator – I tried two.

This did not work on me. It soaked in like foundation and left little to no glow.

This one is good, but I know I can find something better. I will at least use this one up.
2. Get outside more – I went on one walk. It’s so blasted hot and humid no one wants to be out there longer than we have to. Good ole south Mississippi. I did join a gym this month, so I can at least get the exercise benefits without dying of heat stroke.
3. Plan a girls night – Didn’t even have time to try. We have had some lunch dates, so can I count that?!
4. Read more fun books – I managed to squeeze one in and enjoyed it. Sometimes it’s nice to mindlessly read for entertainment. I read Tina Fey’s Bossypants.
5. Take Peanut to the vet – Done. And he didn’t bite me for once!
This is not edited. It’s just how my phone caught his eyes that night!
This is my sweet baby after he goes to the vet. He goes all chihuahua on me!
So, what are my August goals?
1. Get outside – I’m gonna try this one again. I live on a beautiful lake, and I need to be more intentional about enjoying it.
2. Read 2 more fun books – Here’s hoping!
3. Write 5 more devotionals – I need to keep writing. I have tons of ideas jotted down on sticky notes, things that God has laid on my heart. I need to put them to paper before they leave me.
4. Create an attitude of gratitude project – This will probably be something as simple as a tweet of what I’m grateful for each day. It’s better to share the good on social media than what we normally see.
5. Start grad school – YAY!
(Ask me again next month…!)
What are your goals for the month? I always love hearing from you!