January Book Club!

We all remember the Just Me, JC post on books, right? This year I’m trying to be a little more selective with my purchases. Mainly because I’m running out of bookshelf space, and they are now feeding over into storage containers and stuffed in drawers. And by “selective” purchases I mean downloading to the Kindle. Like I’m gonna give up buying books?! 
For January’s Good Reads, I’ve linked them all to Amazon where you can check out purchase information for yourselves. Below the link is my personal review.
You can also follow along with me on Instagram #goodreads.
The Heiresses

We all know I’m a big fan of the Pretty Little Liars series by Sara Shepard. I bought The Heiresses on a whim because I like her writing, and this book did not disappoint! The Heiresses is a novel about the Saybrooks family, a diamond business family blessed with beauty and fortune. They are also plagued by a string of tragic and mysterious deaths. The Heiresses finally uncover the dark truth about their family after losing a main character out of the blue. I loved this book for sure!

So much confusion and pain results because we don’t know God, who He is and how He works in our lives. In this book, you learn about God more fully by studying His names – Creator, Healer, Protector, Provider…
I found strength for times of trial, comfort for pain and provision for my deepest needs. This is one EVERY Christian needs to read.

Where’d You Go, Bernadette?

Bernadette Fox is a notorious oddball. She’s opinionated, disgraceful to some and an architectural genius. But to her best friend, 15 year old Bee, she’s simply Mom. Then Bernadette disappears. Bee compiles emails, all documents and correspondence and eventually even visits Antarctica looking for her mother. All evidence is compiled in this fun story about a misplaced genius and a mother and daughter’s role in this crazy world.

Set in the Civil Rights era, this book tells the story of Lily whose life has been shaped around the blurred memory of the afternoon her mother was killed. When Lily’s abrasive black “mammy” insults the town’s most vicious racists, they have to escape to Tiburon, South Carolina and find that the town holds a secret to Lily’s mother’s past.

The Case for Christianity

This book is a quicker read, one that all Christians would benefit from reading. The Q&A format helps readers understand how to effectively defend their faith. 

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