February Rewind

Happy March! Is is just me, or wasn’t Christmas three weeks ago? Maybe it’s just having a toddler at home. Yep – a TODDLER. My sweet baby is walking. Insert all the mama tears here. Okay, I promise this post isn’t all about Liam growing too quickly. It’s my February rewind!

Actual footage of what February was like in our house.

“Stop being so dramatic, Mom…”


What a month! I’ve been chasing myself in circles. I’ve trained some amazing nursing homes, worked hard on grad school, celebrated my son’s first birthday, performed with the Meistersingers, and have been brainstorming upcoming ministry projects.

These are the days, y’all.


Puchase – This hair mask has really rocked my world.

Book – Why did I wait so long to read Daisy Jones & The Six?

Moment – Liam had his first “o-fishal” birthday party.

Stop by tomorrow for more suprises. You never know who will pop up when!