How to Find Your Calling

If you are anything like me, every couple of weeks or so, you’re questioning what you’re doing with your life, particularly in the area of your career. The lucky ones among us have been able to discern what we should be doing at an early stage, while others are still searching. Many of us had to make certain decisions about our careers out of economic necessity. Others (like me) made certain decisions about career either out of a lack of proper direction or from a basis of skewed priorities. But still, there is a persistent feeling that something needs to be different in terms of work.

So how do we deal with this type of situation in a faithful way? One of the images of Jesus that we share is that of Him as the shepherd and we as his sheep. Like an earthly shepherd calling his sheep, we should be able to recognize Jesus’ distinctive voice and come running when he calls. How do we recognize his voice? How can we know what it is he wants us to do?


how to find your calling


How do we recognize his voice? I think many of us expect it to be some painfully obvious revelation that comes through prayer. And sometimes it is. But Jesus speaks to each of us differently. Sometimes it is that still, small voice in the back of our mind – a gentle but persistent feeling of a dull hunger deep inside, or a growing conviction that we can no longer ignore, or perhaps a feeling of warmth and oneness when we are in His presence.

Sometimes his voice is much more commanding, particularly if we aren’t responding to the gentle nudging mentioned above. It could be some sort of wake up call regarding our health, or through some sort of accident. Or, it could be that feeling of powerlessness before temptations that might destroy our family, our marriage, or our reputation. Or, it could be sudden clarity about how much we depend on God for everything.

Let’s hope we hear and respond to the still, small voice before He has to get more persistent!

So, now we are tuned in and listening to God’s voice, but sometimes it is not at all clear what he wants us to do. God has given all of us the talents we need to have to do His will. We have to discover the talents we have in order to put them to good use serving God. Whatever that talent (or talents!) is it has been planted in each of us by God.

Once we examine the details surrounding His call, and find our particular talent, we must look at the needs around us. God’s call will match our talents with a specific need. Over time, God will show us what we need to do.




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