How to Embrace Everyday Life

I want to enjoy life. I want to embrace every moment God gives me. One of my greatest passions is trying to find the joy in everyday life. To make each day intentional and special for my family.

Life in Christ is truly a big adventure. I’m adventurous by nature and love exploring and immersing myself in new things. I embrace every second I’m given. But to truly live the life God has given us, we have to embrace both the good and the bad.

The apostle Paul says, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret to being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength,” Philippians 4:11-13

Did you catch that? Paul said there is a secret to being content and embracing life. Today I want to give you some helpful tips and resources to help you embrace every season of life you face.


Contentment is a state of satisfaction. It is being satisfied with your current state of affairs whether, physical, mental, or emotional. When you find contentment in Christ, even the worst seasons can produce joy knowing God is at work. In Christ, we can embrace both the good and the bad.


You cannot hate anything and still find contentment. If possible, make a list of everything you are thankful for today, and add to this list as often as possible. Write down each thing that you love: spouse, children, home, work, friends, church, exercise, books, etc. Write them down. You will have a physical list to remind you of what you love. Take hate out of your vocabulary and replace it with love.


“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night, shall not cease,” Genesis 8:22.

Seedtime and harvest. Cold and heat. Summer and winter. Day and night. Each of these seasons are times of wait and testing. We must endure difficulty in order to understand what is truly good. My husband, Judson, is a farmer. But if he does not plant the seed and wait for growth, he will not have a harvest. Similarly, if our faith is not tested and used for growth, how will we have a testimony to bless others?

I’ve been through many seasons I thought would never end. I felt like the pain would literally stop my heart. But I made the decision to believe God and take him at his word. I replaced my feelings with his truths:

God is faithful.

God is for me.

God loves me.

God cares for me.

What to do when we encounter a bad season:

  1. DON’T be bitter. Seasons happen to all of us, and it’s not right to take your anger out on someone else.
  2. DON’T let your negative feelings destroy you. Remember that list of things you love? Replace your negative emotions with healing words of love.
  3. DO come out stronger. God has a purpose for everything (Romans 8:28), and He WILL use this for good.


I know what you’re thinking; can’t God find an easier way to get us to where He wants us? Possibly. But at what cost to us? Trials are uncomfortable, but they do have purpose.

  1. Trials keep our focus on God and not on ourselves.
  2. Trials test our faith – and I want to be found faithful!
  3. Trials often humble us so we have to rely on God’s grace.
  4. Trials equip you to help another. We can comfort others by pointing them to the Source of all comfort!


I encourage you to make the decision to trust God in both the good and bad seasons. When bad things arrive, immediately determine to trust God no matter what is to come. You will be able to appreciate what God does in you during this time.

Don’t waste this time of pain. Use it as a time to draw closer to the One who wants to draw ever closer to you. You can even use this time of hardship to bless another in the future. “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens,” Ecclesiastes 3:1. It is there you will find how to embrace the seasons of life.

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