Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday!
On Fridays I link up with a few of my favorite blogs, Erika, Narci, and Andrea to share my favorite things of the week!

My book review this month was full of several great reads!

On we talked about how to live a life of purpose and how to find our callings. I hope you are enjoying my ministry website as much as I enjoy writing to you!

On Wednesday we talked about what we’ve been up to this month! I always enjoy those linkups!

I introduced a new series on my website called “What I Learned“. It’s a fun little post about five things I’ve learned/enjoyed/appreciated about the past month.
It’s been life as usual around this neck of the woods…
Mom and I killing time before lunch.
My brother Thomas celebrated his 27th birthday and refused to be photographed. I caught this one of Dad instead. Note – he does not go out to eat unless it’s to Martin’s or Movie Star, but Thomas talked him into O’Charley’s. Did y’all feel the earth shift on its axis that day?!
Little buddy was all tuckered out. Isn’t he just the cutest?!

I’m still waiting for a few pieces from the Nordstrom anniversary sale. I’ve been loving maxis this summer including this one by Lush above.
I always enjoy speaking engagements. It was awesome to share with this group of yahoos above at the Marketing Professionals for Senior Living luncheon!
I hope you all have a great weekend!
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