How to Be Intentional with Prayer

Hey, friends! Thank you for stopping by today. One of the most requested topics I receive is on prayer. Praying isn’t always easy. I too am guilty of rabbit-trailing and falling asleep during prayer. Prayer is so much more important than we think. It is how we communicate with God. I never fully grasped what it meant to be a prayer warrior or to pray without ceasing. I’ve spent quite some time reading and meditating on prayer, and today I wanted to share with you how to be intentional with prayer.

how to be intentional with prayer


Writing down your prayers engages your mind (and heart) to think more deeply. We take our time, admit our sins, and list our prayers for others. It also gives you the time to dwell in God’s presence. You may resist this if you choose to pray before bedtime when your brain is shutting down, but I encourage you to persist. Simply make a list.


Adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication = ACTS. I like this method to ready your mind when approaching God in prayer. It’s helpful to remember to take the time to come before our Father with adoration and spend time confessing anything that comes between you before diving into everything you need and want. I try to remember how I would feel in his situation. I want to be acknowledged if I had previously helped someone and would expect thanks. And an apology goes a long way when wronged! This method helps us recognize God’s answers and actions.


Prayer deserves time. We can’t just rush through it. Even if you have something to say, it is nice to sit and rest in God’s presence, remembering his promises, and delighting in his goodness. Take your time to listen. Many ideas are presented during this time together that I might have missed otherwise. If time is a struggle, schedule your prayer time. Set a timer on your phone. Don’t do it laying down. Give God the time and attention he deserves – and instructs.


The posture of praying on your knees is humbling and puts you in a position to receive. It is acknowledging that we are not in control and submitting to our God who is. If you have ever spent time on your knees you know that we pray more fervently in this posture. It is uncomfortable but it allows me to recognize his holiness and righteousness. But if praying on your knees is not possible, raise those arms!

“Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.” 1 Timothy 2:8 (NIV)


Scripture reveals people praying in their innermost rooms, a dedicated prayer space free of distractions. This was popularized recently in the movie War Room. Praying to God in secret rewards us for our faith. Sometimes we pray differently in front of others, like a Pharisee. God sees our hearts and hears our prayers in faith.

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Matthew 6:6 (NIV)


Jesus quoted Scripture in prayer. King David quoted Scripture. The Gospel writers quoted Scripture. Jesus gives us a model of prayer and how to pray. It is a reminder of the affirmation of God’s faith and promises. And when you don’t know what to say in prayer, praying God’s Word is sufficient.


Prayer is so important and need attention to detail. Your life will change in intentional prayer. Take the time to converse with God and abide in his presence. Once you learn how to fervently pray, to seek God first, we begin to understand how powerful God truly is.

My prayer is that this post helps you on your journey to becoming a prayer warrior. And if you have any prayer requests, please comment them below so that I can pray for you!

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