
How to Share the Gospel

Sharing the gospel with another can seem like the most daunting task ever. Yet, God asks us to do it even when we feel uncomfortable. In fact, he commands it. Yes, it’s hard and a little scary, but today I am sharing 5 simple steps to use when sharing the gospel!

how to share the gospel


We are all born with an innate yearning for something – and someone. We long for our eternal home. God wants us to be with Him. To fellowship and commune with him. He created us with this in mind. When we sin, and we all sin, we start to feel a tug to be better, do better. We know our intimacy with God has been interrupted.

Even if we are born with a longing, we have to listen to the call of the Holy Spirit. He wants us to answer his call. Our time on earth is very limited, so the need to know Jesus Christ is imperative. We are the hands and feet of Christ on earth, and He is asking us to go and tell the good news. Salvation has come!


God wants to use you, yes, YOU, to share the gospel. What has the gospel done in your life? Don’t you want that for someone else? Jesus Christ can release anyone from the guilt, shame, and suffering of sin. It gives you the opportunity to be a new person!

When you share the gospel, you are offering that person a decision. This decision will transform their life for eternity. The message of hope in Jesus Christ will save them, and they too can share this salvation with others.


  1. GOD – Our God is the One True God, Creator, and Sustainer of all life. He is always with us, watching, and judging our hearts. We were created to serve him, fellowship with him, and glorify him with our lives. (Genesis 1:1, Psalm 139:7-12, Matthew 4:10, Acts 17:25, Romans 11:36­)


  1. SIN – We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. Sin separates us from God. We disregard God’s authority and disobey his instructions. Because of sin, we have to be restored to God through Jesus Christ. We have no way to God or heaven except through Christ. (Isaiah 59:1-2, Romans 1:18; 3:10-12, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23)


  1. JESUS – Jesus Christ is God’s Son who became man to pay the price for our sin. The only way to be restored to God is through Jesus. Jesus was born to a virgin who conceived by the Holy Spirit. He knew no sin on earth but took the wrath of sin for us. He was born to die. Jesus took our sins upon himself by dying on a cross. God accepted Jesus’s death in our place. Jesus then raised from the dead, and those that believe in him will be raised to life again and be with God for eternity. Those who believe this and accept his salvation, forgiveness for sins, and eternal life in heaven. (John 1:14, Romans 5:8, Acts 2:24)


  1. RESPOND – When we hear the good news of Jesus Christ, we have a choice to make. We must believe that Jesus came to earth as a man, died on a cross for our sins, and was raised to life again. Believing in Jesus transforms our lives. We become new creatures. The old us is gone and the new has come. This new life will last for eternity. Even though we die, we will be alive in heaven forevermore. By believing in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, we must confess our sins (repent) and change our behaviors. Our life is then for Christ. We also receive the Holy Spirit who guides our hearts and minds to choose what is righteous. (Acts 2:24, Romans 12:1, Titus 3:4-8)


  1. TELL – True salvation is forever. Yet, it does not stop there. When we become Christians, we have instructions to tell others about what Christ has done for us. We want to encourage those we witness to to also share what God has done in their lives.


I would love to hear how sharing the gospel has impacted your life. Please comment below or email with what God continues to do in your life!

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