Life Lately – Hattiesburg Zoo Edition

Hi, friends! Thank you so much for your kind remarks on yesterday’s post. Sharing the gospel can be so difficult, but it is something we are called to do. I pray those five simple steps can keep you focused without fear when witnessing.

Today I am going to share a little recap of life lately. We are squeezing in as much summer fun as we can. It has been raining A LOT. I try to fill those pretty sunny days because between work and rain, Baby Bounds and I are homebound a lot. On this particular not-so-pretty day we had other plans, but we quickly made the best of the sprinkly weather with some friends at the Hattiesburg Zoo.

Let’s start with this unflattering photo of Uncle T being a good sport. He went into the prairie dog tunnels with Liam.

(Side note – this was an adventure for Liam and Uncle T. I apparently served as their photographer. See below!)

I think Thomas had fun!

I love that I got these photos of the prairie dog literally sitting on their heads.



Nothing like admiring giant alligators.

This sign is hilarious!

I love peacocks.




Random girl in the photo, but Uncle T was teaching Liam how to slide down the hill on a lunch tray. The important things in life!



Liam’s first carousel ride.

The tiger is usually so much more active, but she wasn’t feeling it this day.

We also enjoyed a nice little train ride around the zoo. I heard “choo choo!” approximately 3 zillion times! Liam loves trains!

I really do love peacocks!

Liam’s friends were trying to help him find out if he was taller than a tiger!

We ended the morning with the splash pad at the zoo.

A good time was had by all! We love our adventures with friends. Shoutout to Megan who puts up with me, answers zillions of stay at home mom questions, and is simply one of those good Christian mama friends everyone needs. Her three kids are always so sweet (and patient) to my uh, temperamental, two year old!

Thanks for reading, friends! Have a great day!

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