
It’s Friday!

Here we are again, it’s the weekend! I’ve had a great week, how about y’all?
I’m linking up today with three of my favorite daily reads for their Friday Favorites link party! Check them out – all so sweet and creative!
I started the photo a day challenge on the 1st of this year, so this is where I’m gonna post my weekly favorites that made me happy. I got a little distracted (in a good way!) earlier this week and didn’t post my #dailyvoguehappiness on a couple of days, but I caught up.
Follow along with my Instagram here.
A little pre-#dailyvoguehappiness, my New Year’s kiss! (Don’t judge me, you know he’s cute!)
Day 1: “Here’s looking at you, kid.”
Actually, this should be captioned, “Really, Mom? Another picture?”
Day 2: A little Daddy/Daughter date
Day 3: I can buy him the softest, fluffiest beds in the world, but he still prefers my lap. 
Day 4: Peanut and I enjoyed a cookout at my Dad’s with the family from Scotland.
Day 5: I was getting busy, so I took a time out to remember this.
Day 6: I finally finished my complete collection of C.S. Lewis.
Day 7: My children’s choir singing their little hearts out.
Day 8: The 2014 Walk to End Alzheimer’s wrap party. Love these folks and their hearts for the cause!
I hope next week is even better for us all!

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