January Book Review

This might just be my favorite post of the month! I love sharing my reads with you. If you’re newer to the blog I am a HUGE reader averaging 50-75 books per year. I post what I’ve read monthly with a short review – no spoilers. I read most genres (I do draw the line on some), so you’ll find many great recommendations for Christian inspo, non-fiction, fiction, and suspense. I also LOVE historical fiction.

If you would like to see books from the past, I have over 6 years of reading documented on my BOOKS page. You can find it here. Be sure to scroll through the drop down to see all of the posts from 2015-2020. On each page I wll list all of the books I have read each month. If you click on the title, it will take you to where you can purchase the book for yourself. If you click on the month, it will take you to the post where I reviewed the books read that month.

I’m also very active on Goodreads and if you are interested in following me, you can find my page here.

I read 5 books this month, so let’s dive in!

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

While I went into this book with an understanding that it would be a heavy read, I was unprepared for what appeared to be a textbook on psychology and sociology. It is well-written and well-researched. The material is smart and applicable to everyone. But it’s a hard read to follow. I could only swallow a few pages at a time because it was just, uh, boring. The personal anecdotes were great and really emphasized the teachings, but it felt like reading a scholarly article on a particularly boring topic.

In a Holidaze by [Christina Lauren]

In a Holidaze

Now this book couldn’t have been an easier read. It’s lighthearted, romantic, and funny. It makes you truly appreciate family and how quickly time flies. Prepare to enter a groundhog day circuit!

South of the Buttonwood Tree by [Heather Webber]

South of the Buttonwood Tree

This is the second Webber book that I have read. I really like her style. She’s southern with a flare. In this story, a baby is abandoned at the base of a “magical” buttonwood tree with a note saying to give the infant to the town misfit. Friendships and family run the world in the deep south. Add in a delightful man with Alzheimer’s, and it captures your heart!

The Last House Guest by [Megan Miranda]

The Last House Guest

I haven’t quite finished this book just yet, but I’m fairly certain I know how things will end. My review – trust no one. Nothing is ever how it seems.

Mexican Gothic by [Silvia Moreno-Garcia]

Mexican Gothic

I’m sorry, but what in the world was this book about? Weird. Weird. Weird. Gothic romance, magic mushrooms, and a whole lot of mumbo jumbo. I gave it two stars. Sorry for such a negative review, but that’s what book reviews are hear for. Have you read this one? I’d love to discuss your thoughts in the comments!


This month led me to two books I enjoyed, one okay, and two I didn’t. What are you most looking forward to reading this year? Do you have any suggestions? Let’s discuss below!

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