Life with Liam – May 2021

It’s here! My highest viewed post of the month – Life with Liam! Now, I don’t think I should be too offended by this, but I hope you like my articles too! He is a pretty cute kid and all. Liam Bounds gets wilder by the day. He is so adventurous, curious, and very mischievous. Always into something. It’s tiring, but we have the best time. Life with Liam is a monthly series where we take a look at what toddler life is like. Let’s see where our adventures in toddlerhood took us this month:



My in-laws have a pond with a spillway in their yard, and as you can see, Liam is not scared of water. Or snakes. Or anything. He just jumps right in. Fortunately Granddaddy was a good chaperone!



We also have not one, but two, creeks that run through our property with little sandy beaches. We love splashing in these fresh water finds. And of course, you can probably always find three big pups enjoying the cool water too. They scare off any potential slithery critters too. I hope…



Liam enjoyed tagging along on an adventure with his dad and granddad to a horse farm to look at a new combine. He loves animals!

We have been spending every day outdoors. Liam received his first tricycle that he calls a “bike”, and his feet don’t quite reach the pedals. Guess who gets to push…





We always enjoy a good playground! I try to take him here most every time we do a grocery pickup in Meridian.


Rockin that mom uniform!

Pop also has a good playground where he lives. And it’s right by the train tracks. Liam loves trains, and he waves “hi” and “bye” as they go by. So stinkin sweet!




We also love to ride Pop’s golf cart!

We can’t be outside all hours of the day, so Mom always has some arts and crafts ready for Baby Bounds. Ashes decided to crash the pompom fun!

Liam loves painting with water.


This was hilarious! I had just finished a run and a Peloton strength training video when Liam came in. He started mimicking me and lifting weights. So cute!

We saw ONE hummingbird, so we immediately made sugar water and filled two hummingbird feeders. Never saw another one, but we had fun anyway.


My fearless baby loves all animals. He attended a little friend’s birthday party, and they had a travelling farm animal exhibit thingy. Liam jumped right in, feeding all animals by hand.

He climbed in his first bouncy house in March and was NOT a fan. Two months later I couldn’t get him out.

I love living life with my little man!


Thanks for stopping by today, friends! We love sharing our life with you. Leave a comment below if you love Life with Liam too!

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