Meet Ellie!

Hey, Friends!

I figured it was time to formally introduce you to Miss Ellie Rose Bounds!

Believe it or not, this adorable ball of fluff was abandoned, and my friend Sam rescued her. Ellie was nasty when she came to work that morning with Sam and covered with fleas. We bathed Ellie in our tiny pedestal sink and she fluffed to life. Lucky me, I got to keep her!

She is supposed to be Judson’s farm dog and scare away the deer and other critters. Let me tell you how that’s going…

This is the day I took her home and she became a Bounds!

I mean, look at that face!

Our ferocious protector…

She’s not the best walking buddy…

because she drops halfway there and you have to carry her back!

Daddy’s little girl. She goes EVERYWHERE with him. Kinda like Peanut with me.

Ellie really is a farm girl. She rides tractors, mowers, you name it. She visited with Grandpa Bounds and helped him on his tractor, too!

Did I mention she’s an absoute mess?

When she’s at home, she gets in the creek. When she’s at the Bounds’s, she gets in the pond.


She and Jinx are good pals. Those two wrestle and act a fool. It’s crazy how rough they are, but they seem to enjoy it.

Here she is mowing the yard.

Grandma Bounds bought her a kiddie pool to keep her out of the pond.

It didn’t work, so now the pool is at our place.

I think this is the funniest picture of them all – she is literally riding the Bounds family dog.

Baby girl at her first vet visit. We finally found out that she was a four month old Australian Shepherd puppy!

Ahem, Daddy’s girl.

Ellie Rose has certainly changed our lives recently. She has more energy that Jud, me, Peanut, and Jinx combined! We love her though. (Well, everyone but Peanut. He has a mild tolerance for her!)

Isn’t she just a cutie?! I hope you all enjoy the rest of the week!

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