My Most Embarrassing Moment(s)!

This may come as a surprise to you, but…

I am kinda clumsy.
I slip, I trip (usually over Peanut…) or most often, walk into walls and/or door frames.
I claim the crazy. It’s Just Me, JC after all!
Where on earth do I start?
1. I broke my nose in 11th grade at the Mississippi All-State Band clinic. We stayed at a hotel on the beach in Biloxi, MS and several of us were out on the patio talking and eating dinner. For some unknown reason, I tried to feed a fried shrimp to a seagull that WOULD NOT leave us alone. I tried to give him the shrimp, but he took off. I took off after him – and slammed my face into the sliding glass door. Have you ever had a broken nose and then have to buzz in your mouthpiece (I played the French horn) for a concert the next day?! One of the most painful experiences ever. And of course EVERYONE got the biggest kick out of it. Hmph.
2.  I wasn’t only a band geek, I was a show choir gal as well. We were putting on a Christmas show for the elementary school my senior year, and part of it had me dancing as a reindeer around the auditorium. It was all cute and funny until I slammed my face into one of the columns. And broke my nose for the second time! (Who knew that music would beat you up more than sports?!)
At the annual show choir banquet I was awarded “The Blind Reindeer” award. (See above)
3. Anything I wore in 6th or 7th grade. #scary 
4. This embarrassing moment wasn’t quite as funny, but it was THE most embarrassing moment of my life. Getting hit and run over by a car on my college campus. He was drunk, and I was walking to class. When you become a news story and college students all around are staring at you bleeding from you head…I was so embarrassed. 
I’d love to hear some of your most embarrassing moments, too! Don’t be shy! Claim that crazy!

Since writing this post I have successfully busted my hiney in the hallway of the nursing home where I work and cracked my knee.
***Another Update***
I was cleaning out my marketing closet and crashed a 6 ft metal pop up banner on my head. (Be careful what you are pulling on does not have said banner on top of it…)

Just Me, JC!

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