Welcome to my Blog!

That’s right… I am now a blogger! I’ve tried blogging a few times before, but it was never truly “me”. Welcome to “Vogue Happiness”, my little happy place where I can share all things that make me, well, happy! I try to journal most nights of the week. Memories are too important to forget (I have a deep-seeded fear of dementia…) – both good and bad. Why journal the bad? I want to be able to look back on my life and see how Jesus was working even during the crummiest of seasons. 
I am sanguine by nature and a lover of a good story. My absolute favorite thing to do, other than running my mouth to whomever is around (my poor dog…grin!), is reading and writing. This is just one way I can share my stories – a creative take on a journal. I’m sure only family or close friends will ever read this blog, but I am keeping it true to me. The things that make me happy!
I’m no fashion expert or home design guru, but I love trying. I always wanted to scrapbook, and I have made a few through the years, but I’ve never really been faithful to the craft. I hope this site allows me to “scrap” a few of my favorite things that you can enjoy, too!
Vogue Happiness is a lifestyle blog, so you will find bits of fashion, home, DIY projects, a book club and my weekly segment “Just Me JC” where I will discuss little things about my life. I will also have a weekly “Motivational Monday” where I share Bible study recaps, Christian apologetics and inspirational thoughts.
So who is JC?
  1. Jesus girl!
  2. A musician – I love, love music. I especially love singing (feel sorry for the dog again!) every chance I get.
  3. Dog lover – You’ll be meeting Peanut and Chandler soon!
  4. Reader – I will never be caught without a book/Kindle/magazine.
  5. Style patron – Fashion and home design guru wannabe.
Pretty simple, right?
I love to sing and entertain!
(I’ve performed at some amazing places in my day, but we will save that for another Just Me JC post.)
And arguably most important, I am a Chihuahua mommy! Yes, I am a stereotypical blonde with a blonde Chihuahua…
My friend Elizabeth and I at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, TN
Hilari, Catherine, Charlotte, me, Laura and Jennifer
I have no idea what I’m doing here…
Nancy, me and Darlene
My best bud, Peanut!
Sandy and me
You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest!

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy Vogue Happiness!

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