
A Note from Judson

After the overwhelming, 400+, responses to my November 1 post about Judson’s cancer diagnosis and journey, I felt that more details needed to be shared at a later date. That date is today. However, I did not write one word of the post you will read today – this is Part One of Jud’s story in his own words. He wanted to share this journey from his point of view to encourage you to never stop advocating for your health and stay positive NO MATTER WHAT. 

Here’s Judson…

In late August 2021, my family, friends, and I got the most shocking news of my life.

My story begins in early spring of 2021 when I began to get ready to plant my garden and crops. I noticed I tired out more quickly than I normally do and had some difficulty lifting seed sacks to pour in my planter. The real concern came when I began having difficulty swallowing some foods. It would hang up in the center of my chest and stop. Along with this came a persistent cough and random, unexplained fevers. After dealing with this several weeks, I went to the doctor.

I will mention that I don’t like going to the doctor. I don’t like waiting – or waiting rooms – for that matter. Anyway, I explained all of my symptoms and was given a steroid. The doctor mentioned I could get a scope to see what was going on. The symptoms all went away, so I didn’t push for the scope. A few weeks later the symptoms returned. I put it off again for a couple of weeks and then went to see a nurse practitioner. She and her nurse listened to my symptoms and this time I was given an antibiotic and another steroid. Once again I felt better for a couple of weeks before it all came back.

I made another appointment with the same nurse practitioner and this time, after having that 9” Q-Tip shove to my brain, the Covid screen, I was scheduled for a scope. Remember, this is still the height of the Covid scare and it is the most important thing. Let me back up; I was scheduled to see a gastroenterologist.  Of course, I didn’t actually see him. You must go before the King’s court before getting an audience with the King. I met his nurse. She once again listened to me explain everything and gave me a medication for indigestion. She did schedule the scope this time…

Now, here we are, the day I get a borescope shoved down my throat to take pictures of things you really don’t want on your mantle at home. I was given something that made me sleep so well. I mean, it a nice little rest. If you know my wife and son, you know I need it! My wife, Jean Claire, comes in the recovery area, and we are laughing and joking about something I won’t mention (ha), when the doctor shows up. Without any introduction, opening credits, or warming up, he just throws it out there: “We found an 8 cm mass in your esophagus, and I’m pretty sure it’s cancer.” He went right into the possibility of surgery to remove part of the esophagus and a feeding tube and all that mess. We were truly shocked.

This is where my wife first jumps in and again, if you know my wife, you know she made things really move. They had me scheduled for a staging CT scan well over a week away. Jeanie found that totally unacceptable and let them know! I never realized this was something you could negotiate. They came back with a counteroffer for the following Monday. She found this to be acceptable. We left and headed to my parents’ to get our son Liam and let them know. And of course, they were speechless. We really didn’t know anything more at this point so why worry, right?

When Monday morning arrives for the staging CT, we are at the hospital and greeted by our former pastor, current pastor, and numerous friends who have gathered around the imaging center to pray. It had to be one of the most moving moments in my life. It didn’t take long to get the results from the scan: it confirmed the tumor in my esophagus as well as showing several metastases on my liver and numerous local lymph nodes. On the way home my wife showed what she would and could do. Sitting alongside the road, to make sure she kept cell service of course, she went to work getting me into MD Anderson. I was to be there the following week. 


I can’t decide if he’s comparing me to a bulldog or a chihuahua…! But like he said, I get things done!

Part 2 is coming soon to include the backstory of all that is MD Anderson, why it is nothing like you think, and why it was the only place willing to treat Judson. This is the easy story to share. It will be much harder for Jud to share his spiritual journey with you, and that is to come in time. 

Thank you, Jud, for sharing a little piece of your heart with us!


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  1. We love you, JC, Liam, and the rest of the Bounds and Monroe families so much. We are in prayer for y’all on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing your heart, Jud. God has a plan that is good. Keep the faith.

  2. Thank you for sharing your journey. Our prayers are ever with you and your family.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and story. Bobby, Katie, and I are praying without ceasing for each of you.

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