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Life Lately

Hey there, Tuesday! Here’s hoping your week has started off well, friends. We are cruising right along over here. You know how it is, lots of springtime fun with a zillion doctors appointments sprinkled in.

Today I’m sharing a few photos from life lately. These are the days!

Liam and I usually spend Tuesdays at the library toddler time. They do an excellent job teaching the alphabet, doing a craft, and having a little snack.

My MOPS group had a moms night out, and on this evening we painted pottery.

My family has a lot of cancer passing around like the flu. My 37 year old cousin is the latest victim. She had to shave her head recently, and all of the family got pink extensions put in our hair to support her. ❤️

Liam had a good dental cleaning and checkup. No cavities!

We adore this dog! My cousins in Texas graciously allow Judson and me to stay at their home when we’re at MD Anderson for treatments. Bella girl and Jud have bonded. She is such a therapy dog to him. One of his last pictures with hair.

I recently had dinner with my college roommate. It was so good to see her again. Like no time had passed at all!

MOPS had our Easter tea recently and someone invited himself to stay with the mamas. He’s having a LOT of separation anxiety lately with mom and dad leaving all the time, and he was not going to his class this day.

A few of my mommy friends and the party crasher!

My in-laws are now the proud owners of 30 something chickens. Most have been purchased as chicks, but this particular batch hatched from an incubator. I was so happy Liam got to watch the little babies being born. He’s loving his new responsibility helping with the chicks.

I hope you all have a fabulous day. See you back here tomorrow!

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