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Hollylujia 2024


Happy Monday, friends! It is FREEZING in Mississippi this week, and I couldn’t be happier. Not many folks agree with me though. We may even get snow tomorrow! Liam has literally prayed for it multiple times now. The only negative to freezing temps is I have to bring in the Bounds Fur Family – all 11 of them… Let’s just say the dogs don’t play well together.  I have to put 2 in Liam’s bathroom, 2 in kennels, 2 in my bedroom, and sweet Ellie roams freely. Tis life!

Today I wanted to share photos from one of my Christmas parties. I was not able to hold my annual Fallelujia party in October because I was 97 weeks pregnant. More like 36, but I physically couldn’t do it. I decided to postpone things and have a HOLLYlujia instead. It was so much fun! We all wore our Christmas pjs, ate way too much, and brought a gift to exchange. If the photos seem a little different, they were taken on my camera and some on my iPhone. Ignore that, and enjoy our Hollylujia Night!


I had two sets of triplets! How cute are their jammies?

Liam was Liam!

Jackson wanted to be a part of the fun!



We got a new kitten in November. Meet Cosmo!

And Liam also chose this night to cut his own hair…




She came early to help. This is how Sam helps… My boys (and Jinx) love her.

Four weeks old. I make big babies.

Cosmo and Liam were the stars of the show.


I have no idea what Liam is doing here, but I probably should apologize…







I love my girls so much. I had to start from scratch (minus ole Sam who I bring with me wherever I go) when I moved to Newton, and I am so blessed with these ladies. We do life together, we raise our kids together, and we have a lot of fun doing it!

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