
How to Share Your Testimony

The first time I wrote my testimony, I cried. I honestly stared at the words on the screen wondering if my story was worth telling because there was no story. My life isn’t interesting to anyone but me. I tend to laugh at myself and think I’m funnier than I really am! I remember my life prior to salvation. I was a typical child raised in a conservative Southern Baptist home with loving parents, a younger brother, and a couple of goldfish. And after salvation I was still a typical child raised in a conservative Southern Baptist home with loving parents, a younger brother, and a couple of goldfish. Who wants to hear about that?

Sharing your testimony can be difficult for any number of reasons. You may be shy, embarrassed about what you went through before you met Jesus, or, like me, you just don’t know what to say. I don’t mind being the center of attention. I don’t mind singing or talking in front of large groups of people. It’s almost easier for me to talk to strangers than those who know me personally. Those who know me know my past. And that is what they are thinking about when they hear your testimony. All of the sudden, every wrong, every sin, every omission is remembered. “How can someone saved do that?” The scariest parts of your past are brought to light.

We should always be ready to share our testimony. Knowing how and when to share your testimony is an important skill. It requires intentionality and practice. We want to share God’s story with excitement and confidence. And above all, we want Jesus to be seen. “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander, (1 Peter 3:15-16).

Why It Is Hard to Share Your Testimony

We often hold back certain details out of fear or guilt about our past consequences. However, this eliminates the miracle of what exactly God does in our lives.

We often make it about us. We have little trouble talking about ourselves (I’m raising my hand here too!). We need to be talking more about God. It is his story after all! It does not need to be a long, drawn out story highlighting your sins.

Talking about our faith is a fine line between talking about ourselves and God. We have to discuss our obstacles and trials we faced. But we have to include how we met God and let him lead us along the way.

How Do We Share Our Testimony

Be open. Be vulnerable. Be humble. Ask the Spirit to guide your heart and mind as you meditate on your story so that you are able to deliver the story in the best possible way. Emphasize the change He has made in your life and how your life has been diffferent since.

Why You Should Share Your Testimony

Your story is an eye-witness account of Jesus’s presence in your life. We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, (1 John 1:3). Think about the best preacher you’ve ever listened to. What drew you to his message most? It might be his story. People relate to stories and experiences. They begin thinking about their own lives and stories. It helps them feel seen and accepted.

Testimonies are one of the most important ways to share the Gospel. It shows our love for Him and one another. Pray over your words, then begin writing. Practice verbalizing and telling your story with a friend or family member. Become comfortable sharing your words. Then, GO. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” (Matthew 28:19).


When you offer up your story as a sacrifice of praise to be used by God, you are inviting others into his saving presence and eternal joy. If you have any questions on where to start or what to say, please feel free to reach out via email (hello@jeanclairemonroe.com) or on social media (@jeanclairemonroe).

I love you!


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