
Dinosaur Christmas

Happy Monday, Friends! I hope you had a fun-filled weekend. We had big plans to go on a Christmas adventure, but I wound up with a flat tire so we never made it. Maybe next week.

Several weeks ago my brother text me a picture of a giant triceratops the size of a trailer truck bed behind him at a redlight. He had no idea what was going on. We later found out that the City of Hattiesburg put on a really neat dinosaur adventureland. Liam and I joined up with a family from church, and we enjoyed a fun experience with life-size dinos!

Liam was a little nervous at first, but once he realized the dinosaurs weren’t going to get him, he had a blast!

We started off with a short film about the dinosaurs we would be meeting.

How cool!


He looks bored here, but he was still having fun.



The best part was all of the dinosaurs were animatronic and obviously had some kind of sensor. They would growl, stomp, claw, and light up. Seriously cool.





He had no desire to crawl up in that mouth for a photo.

Look at that big smile! I love my little buddy so much!

They also had a fun coloring and fossil tracing station for the kiddos.





This was such a neat experience. I am so glad we went!


Now we’re off to enjoy more Christmas adventures. Tell me, what are your plans for Christmas? Are you able to go anywhere/do anything during this pandemic? I hope you are. Love you all!

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