
Friday Favorites {12.28.18}

Hey Friends!

It’s our last Friday Favorites of 2018 – can you believe it? I thought May – June would never get here, but this second half of the year has flown by in a blur. There’s just so much more to do in the late summer, fall, and winter months. Is it that way for you too?

Today we are recapping all of our final Christmas fun. I hope you each had a special and enjoyable season too!


These last couple weeks included a few more Christmas parties. This is my marketing professionals group. We’re fun, but man do we get ourselves in some stressful situations throughout the year. Senior care marketing is hard. Anyway, we adopted my friends at the Lighthouse Rescue Mission again this year and provided Santa Claus gifts for the children.


Just call us the three Mrs. Clauses!


I got to sing in my first Christmas musical with FBC Newton this year. Don’t I look thrilled here?

And here I look like I’m telling standup comedy. I have never claimed to be photogenic that’s for sure.


In Mom news, she had her annual Christmas party at the nursing home – and she was not feeling it at all this year. Something about putting her in a room with a big crowd really sets her off or shuts her down. Obviously she’s overstimulated which is never good for a dementia patient, but even ole Santa wasn’t going to bring her out.

I mean really, look at those eyes! “Get me out of here!”


I wrapped up grad school for the semester and even received an A in Greek II. Say what??? The end is in sight, folks. Judson and I decided it would be better for me to take this semester off with Baby Bounds on the way, but if I work hard, I can still graduate next Christmas. Whoop whoop! I had to pick the graduate program with a zillion hours…

Little Jinx says enough is enough. I will take your seat so you have to give me attention instead! (Doesn’t he have Grinch eyes?)

Smudge, on the other hand, demands attention at all costs. Man he was a pain trying to wrap gifts!

He sure has grown a lot in four months!

And on this night I convinced my main squeeze to buy his very pregnant wife a steak and drive her around to see Christmas lights! He’s a keeper!


We had our Monroe Family Christmas on the 22nd at the nursing home with Mom. She was in a MUCH better frame of mind this time. Truthfully, all she really cared about was Peanut. She held him most of the morning.

My brother loves her so much. I think he’s taken her decline the hardest of all of us.


She loves her granddog!

Merry Christmas from the Monroes!

After visiting Grandma Karen we took Little Nut to visit Santa for his annual photos! Of course Santa knew him by name as soon as we walked in. We love Santa Steve!

Even Uncle T wanted a photo!

I look like I got ran over by a reindeer I was so tired by then, but hey, a memory is a memory!


And on Christmas Day I took exactly three photos. Ha. Look at Sleepy P in his Snuggie!

Dad modeled how tall our living room tree is.

Thomas showing off his gifts.

And in other news, someone is counting down the days till she meets her little boy! He is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO active. He’s constantly squirming and trying to bust out of there. I would be absolutely shocked to see 37-38 weeks. I’ll be 31 on Tuesday…

We are so not prepared. Must get busy!!!

If you need me anytime this weekend, don’t bother! I’ll be looking like this fella as much as I can!

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

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