Meet Sadie!

Hey Friends!

Go ahead and laugh at me, but I promise today is the last “Meet My Newest Pet” post for quite awhile!

Judson has tolerated my maternal instincts up to a point, but he has drawn the line with this little girl, so allow me to introduce Sadie Mae Bounds!

I feel EXTREMELY responsible for this little girl. Here’s the story…

You all know I have quite the commute to and from work every day, and I kept seeing this pathetic looking dog walking around. She was nasty and looked like she was half dead all the time. I had no idea what kind of dog she was because she was so dirty. This was not in the best area of the world I might add. Just a back highway between Newton and the interstate.

I thought about her all the time because I usually saw her both going to and coming from work each day. One day she just sat there and stared at me as I drove by and that was it. I told the Lord if I saw that dog one more time in that condition I was going to pick her up. I didn’t see her again after that…

Until one morning.

I saw her laying on the side of the road curled up. I thought she was dead at first. I pulled over and walked back to her. She was not well. She was laying there waiting to die. I picked up her little head and looked her in the eyes and told her it was all going to be okay. Then I picked up her dying body and laid her in my backseat.

I also had to carry her in to work with me that morning. She just laid on the floor and didn’t make a sound all day. I picked up some wet puppy food on the way in, and she inhaled them. She would only get water off my hands/fingers when I offered them to her to lick. She was so bad she couldn’t even lap up water on her own.

As you can see, she was severely malnourished and cut up. Just look at that spine. She was in so much pain. At this time she was not able to bear weight at all, and her right leg/hip made her squeal.

I took her to a vet in Petal where I work, and they gave her a major evaluation. My boss even thought she was going to have to be put down. But get this – other than dehydration, malnutrition, and pain, she was completely healthy. No intestinal or heart worms. Nothing! Sadie received some medication and a good bath with flea treatment, and it was off to Garlandville to meet her new family!

According to her vet, Sadie was a bait dog for dog fighting. She was big enough to fight with, but gentle enough to be passive. The bite marks and cuts on her reflected a long pattern of abuse. She was obviously mistreated, possibly just dumped for dead, and managed to survive for awhile. I have very ugly thoughts towards whomever used to house her. I’m glad I stole her now!

Within 24 hours she was able to bear weight on all but her right leg.

Sadie is mostly Curr and would make a great hunting dog. She is the most gentle, loving, and THANKFUL dog you will ever meet. She was very standoffish the first time she met my dad, which makes me wonder if it was a tall, older guy who abused her. She loves him now!

See that back right leg? Still no walking on it, but it’s no longer a pain or problem for her. I can fully extend it and rotate it for her, and she will just lick me. But she won’t use it.

After four weeks, our baby was filling out!

Although she looks like an older gal, the vet said she has very young teeth. She estimated Sadie to be about 2 years old. 3 at the very oldest. We went with 3 for her birthday calculation purposes.

Sadie and Ellie are the best of friends. They make great farm dogs. They go off on adventures together all the time.


Someone has made herself right at home!

Sadie has now been with us six weeks +, and as you can see, her cuts are healed, weighs upwards of 40 lbs, and has adjusted to her new life quite well. Still no walking on that leg though…


Sadie girl, I know everyone thought I was nuts to pick you up and take you in, but it was the best decision I could possibly make. We bonded from before I even met you. You made yourself noticeable to me on my commutes and made me love you before I met you. I’m so glad to have you round out our fur family!

To meet all my other critters, you can follow the links below!





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