North Pole Breakfast 2020

Hello, friends! I am so happy to be back. The security updates on my website are up and running, but man did it take longer than I ever expected. At least you know that you will always have a safe browsing experienece here. I want to take care of my readers as much as possible!

Over the weekend we had our annual North Pole Breakfast. We like to kick off the official start of Christmas with a big breakfast – mostly of sweets! Many families use the North Pole Breakfast to either celebrate the arrival of the Elf on the Shelf or to kickoff Advent. We are going to incorporate both – eventually. Liam is obviously too young to understand the Elf (or Christmas in general) right now, so we opted to celebrate the arrival of Advent which is most important to our family.

Having a North Pole Breakfast is creatively up to you. It should take place approximately the Saturday before December, usually the Saturday after Thanksgiving, so you can celebrate Advent officially on the 1st. It was a sugar overload – but that’s the point!

*You can also check out our very first North Pole Breakfast here.

We invited Grandmama and Granddaddy Bounds over for reindeer pancakes and so much more! The bottlebrush trees and snow are Walmart finds, and the fun Christmas crackers are from TJ Maxx.

Sausage balls and marshmallows…

Donuts and berries…

I think Liam was enjoying himself!


He started before the rest of us…





He really wanted me to eat that bacon. Who shares bacon? That’s something to be selfish with!

He also gets a little happy to prepare for the season.


He got a 25 days of Advent book!

And when breakfast is over, finish up the marshmallows!

I love my little family so much, and I love creating memories with them no matter how small!

And just for fun, this is what the little Weasel usually does during photos!


I will share some of our Thanksgiving fun later in the week. I hope you all enjoyed your time with friends and family and food (because really, that’s what you’re there for, right?!) I’ll see you back here tomorrow!

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