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Tuesday Talk – Breastfeeding Edition

Tuesday Talk Time!

On the third Tuesday of each month we link up with Ashley and Erika where we can chat about anything at all. This month I want to talk to you about a controversial/beautiful/sensitive topic:



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I have had many friends encourage me to nurse Baby Bounds, but… I’m not interested. Like, at all. No one in my family or Judson’s breastfed. Maybe some cousins here and there, but Jud and I were bottled all the way.

Of course I know all of the health benefits of breastfeeding, for nutrition, satiation, specific growth and preventative health benefits, and the whole bonding thing. And then there’s the health benefits for me like reducing cancer and hemorrhaging, and it’s convenient and cheap.

Yet I still don’t want to. It makes me uncomfortable to even consider. Am I horrible to feel this way? Some people think I just don’t care about the baby. Everyone is quick to offer an opinion about this, so I thought I’d put it out there for all of you. I would so appreciate your thoughts and suggestions in the comments.

I am willing to consider pumping to use in the bottle. That doesn’t bother me nearly as much. What are your thoughts on pumping vs. nursing vs. formula all the way? Please be nice, but I do value your thoughts and concerns. Sound off it the comments!

Thanks, everyone!

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