
McWane Science Center

Happy Monday, friends! As I mentioned last week, Liam and I have been doing a little traveling lately since Judson passed. We just needed to get away for a bit. Sometimes home can be the hardest place to be.

One of the places we have visited was Alabama, and we stopped at the McWane Science Center in Birmingham on our way to Huntsville. Liam and I took MawMaw along for the ride this year. As I was beginning this post, I came across a draft of the same post that I wrote last year and never posted for some reason. I decided to update this draft with our recent trip added to it. A lot has changed between our 2022 and 2023 visits as you’ll see below.

It’s definitely a great stop to add to a road trip, or if you’re in the Birmingham area, make sure you stop by and check it out too.



McWane has a little children’s museum, history, and of course, science.






Liam spent a lot of time in the fossil dig.

Judson always loved science centers. He was the nerd who read every single placard in museums!





Uncle T for the win!

This kid never passes up bubbles…








Liam is still wary about these climbing towers you see in lots of children’s museums.

Testing his strength…


I just kept wishing Jud was there. He was much better at the science questions.

He loved the fossil dig once again!





And this was us trying out the tornado simulator!


We’re trying hard to find ways to smile these days. I hope sharing our adventures helps put a smile on your face too!

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